Pictured is a pendulum crafted and photographed by KC Clark/Wind Song Spirit. She has a long history of working with energy. Using a pendulum is a form of muscle testing and getting information. Our electromagnetic fields are connected to our hearts and respond to most answers in the Universe through muscle testing. It takes practice and is very useful to take charge of one’s connections to all things whether we muscle test with our fingers, pendulums or use our intuitive capabilities. It’s all the same!
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5) Have you been feeling a spiritual presence? Able to size up a situation and just KNOW? Have you heard voices, seen images and kept it to yourself for fear of being labeled “sick” or “crazy”?
If you can answer yes, then you may be utilizing one or more of the four main methods our intuition uses to communicate with us. In psychic terms, these are known as the Four Clairs. Hearing voices is known as Clairaudience, the ability to see images such as spirits or events is referred to as Clairvoyance, Clairsentience is recognizing or sensing feelings, and Claircognizance is a form of just knowing.
CLAIRAUDIENCE: This has been described as hearing short, sometimes one word messages in a calm, mellow voice concise and to the point. This voice will never be scary, tormenting, or harsh. Another description has been; poetic or in clichés.
CLAIRVOYANCE: Seeing images or scenes can often resemble metaphors. A simple example would be the ground shaking representing an unstable situation or relationship.
CLAIRSENTIENCE: Pay attention to feelings as this is the most common of the four clairs. This is your gut instincts or the ability to read the emotions of others. Getting a sudden rush of chills all over can be an indication that a truth was shared or an important message needed to be heard. Some have claimed they will briefly feel the pain of an injury of someone else.
CLAIRCOGNIZANCE: Our brains are like computers in a way that we can get a sudden download of information. The difference is our brains are instantaneous. The feeling is that you just know. You suddenly know a “boat load” of info no one told you.
The gift of intuition is there for everyone and can be developed over time, practice and awareness. Are you particularly strong in one of these Four Clairs? Are you new to the idea that you have intuition? Have you tried to expand your intuition? Please share your thoughts, experiences and questions.