2) Exploring the Possibilities of Personal Growth

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2) Feeling stagnated? Wanting to push yourself to new horizons? Interested in personal growth?

This is a time of great unsettlement. When comfortable living, employment stability, and doing ok are not bringing happiness, fulfillment, or growth. Instead, we suffer by hanging on to pain, old behavior patterns, feelings of worthlessness, or no particular reason for purpose in life.

When experience and growth are valued more than your Comfort Zone, you become willing to go through whatever it takes to push through depression and anxiety in order to learn more about yourself. Growth is not comfortable.

One needs to be empowered to take risks. Explore adventures that other people may think are unwise, knowing that playing it “safe” is no longer working for you. At the end of your journey here on earth, wouldn’t you love to have experienced a life full of ups and downs, suffering and joy, and amazing adventures as opposed to having experienced a life playing it safe?

Photo by qinghill on Unsplash

Share ways to change up your journey with something you have been wanting to experience. Feel free to ask for guidance or suggestions regarding an idea you are contemplating.

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