The Ten When’s

Ten Points Of Self-Mastery

  1. When anger can be transformed into understanding before projection.
  2. When success is seen as a series of experimental mistakes rather than ego.
  3. When the basis for all relationships becomes kindness instead of narcissism.
  4. When perfection is viewed as a journey, not as a goal.
  5. When embracing our shadows creates the tool of forgiveness in lieu of a weapon to validate poor choices.
  6. When walking beside others is more important than winning.
  7. When you’ve learned to follow in truth as distinguished from leading with lies.
  8. When seeing the world as a child is childlike in preference to living as a child is childish.
  9. When death becomes a circuit for closeness in place of a separation of devastation.
  10. When your heart stays in control as an alternative to your conditioned brain.

As you come to realize it is the continuing effort rather than the Mastery of Self-Control, you will be able to see the clarity of your mirrored reflection, removing the clouded mask.

As we move through the coming Holiday Season and into the New Year, we’ll be discussing each of the ten points of Self-Mastery.

The Forth Connection invites you to ponder where you are at with each of these, and how you can use this wonderful time of celebrations, Holiday festivities, and the hope of New Year opportunities, expanding your efforts to grow. Please check back and plan to share, participate, and gain new insights as we explore these together.

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